About Me

I'm Kate Hannah Marshall. I'm Simple & shy. I live by sayings & and words which explain exactly how I feel. I believe in Karma & Liquid eyeliner will forever be my pasion. I hate waiting for Anything. & finally I fall in lust to fast. Yes lust. Not love Go figure.

Want more of me? x]

Music is as Dangerous as Cocaine.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Roarrrr; I'm a lion.

Sunday was a very long & a very exhausting, but a truly good day out indeed. And by good I mean insanely hot, smelly and semi factual.

Had an early start at 9am and took an unexpected trip to the Singapore Zoo. I know, the Marshalls Day Out right? Who would have guessed my mother and father actually cared about el zoo? I was surprised myself until when upon leaving my mother said, im not going back there ever again-ever. Ahh well, I just like the Cats, Snakes & the embarrassment felt when you see animals mating..and you realise you parents are standing right next to you watching the same thing.

After the zoo, Adalayyyy came picked me up and we headed for dinner. I thought I would be absolutely amazing & pay. Thats right batchas, i paid, but adalayy put in a fiver. We went to lepak at the new cool hangout place Upper Pierce Reservoirs FTW. Went home and found my parents missing- later found out they were severely drunk & karaoke-ing.

Later on met up with Raul -could there be a hotter name? Bet you $10 you can't guess where we went. Starts with a P and ends with an ierce Reservoir. Hung with Barrons, Redbull & Nexts. Laid in the grass while helping Mr Bartender learn how to make a Missletoe-tini, Christmas Jones & a Red Rudolf.

Home. Bed. Sleep.

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