About Me

I'm Kate Hannah Marshall. I'm Simple & shy. I live by sayings & and words which explain exactly how I feel. I believe in Karma & Liquid eyeliner will forever be my pasion. I hate waiting for Anything. & finally I fall in lust to fast. Yes lust. Not love Go figure.

Want more of me? x]

Music is as Dangerous as Cocaine.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

If you're stupid enough to walk away; I'm smart enough to let you go.

Main Entry: detestable
Part of Speech: adjective
Definition: loathsome, abominable
Synonyms: abhorred, abhorrent, accursed, atrocious, awful, despicable, disgusting, execrable, godawful, grody, gross*, hateable, hateful, heinous, horrid, lousy, low-down, maggot, monstrous, obnoxious, odious, offensive, outrageous, repugnant, repulsive, revolting, rotten, shocking, sorry, vile

That's what you are. No, actually you're worse than detestable. You're the utter most selfish person I have ever met. Not only do you take advantage of people but you believe that the world solely revolves around you. Stringing people along until you need to use them. It's a simple case of 'use & abuse' & you're the epitome of it.

If you're Stupid enough to walk away; I'm smart enough to let you go

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