About Me

I'm Kate Hannah Marshall. I'm Simple & shy. I live by sayings & and words which explain exactly how I feel. I believe in Karma & Liquid eyeliner will forever be my pasion. I hate waiting for Anything. & finally I fall in lust to fast. Yes lust. Not love Go figure.

Want more of me? x]

Music is as Dangerous as Cocaine.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Good Ol' British Humour.

KATE.MARSHALL. We need to meet up, it has been like years, i am getting withdrawl symptoms! What are you doing thursday? Nothing you say? Great! We are now meeting up at some point... And if you are in class i hope youre phone goes off really loud with one of ur rude ringtones :)
Sophie Fletcher

Ah, I love that Girl.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

BOO YAH! i am the queen :)

sophie wofie