About Me

I'm Kate Hannah Marshall. I'm Simple & shy. I live by sayings & and words which explain exactly how I feel. I believe in Karma & Liquid eyeliner will forever be my pasion. I hate waiting for Anything. & finally I fall in lust to fast. Yes lust. Not love Go figure.

Want more of me? x]

Music is as Dangerous as Cocaine.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Shake It, Don't break it Bitch.

After the Rugby match i went off to meet my Charm at 2359.
It was empty, which was lush.

So i chilled and hung in the acoustic room while Sherman & Luke played. =] AMAZINGLY.
then Charm and i headed down to Silver which was also Empty. I swear. EMPTY. Funny enough, We actually danced lmao. Just us, with awesome music x]

I hadn't dipped it that low for a long time hehe. Which kinda explains why my legs hurt x] But it was wicked fun, so afterwards we headed back up and somehow Charm got me to Sing. I DONT KNOW HOW, because i resisted STRONGLY but i ended up singing Torn. =o & it didnt actually suck. hehe.

Then it was more dance dance dance, watch watch watch, then leave leave leave. x]

& now im home woop.
& ready to sleep.
night night
toodles bby.

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