About Me

I'm Kate Hannah Marshall. I'm Simple & shy. I live by sayings & and words which explain exactly how I feel. I believe in Karma & Liquid eyeliner will forever be my pasion. I hate waiting for Anything. & finally I fall in lust to fast. Yes lust. Not love Go figure.

Want more of me? x]

Music is as Dangerous as Cocaine.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Midnight Beast

I'm starting to get good at this, you know..the whole not caring anymore & I'm being serious!

At the beginning of the year there was an incident that really upset me and usually I would let it really affect me. You know, think about it all the time, dwell on what to do about it, get paranoid etc but this year i told myself i would somehow change. Kate actually try and change pfffft. I know i had my doubts too.

I don't know how i did it but its getting easier. When something seems like it can get to me i just don't think about it and avoid it totally. I know it seems like 'DUH, obviosly' but the thing is that's insanely hard for me to do. No matter what, i will always find a way to think about it and let it hurt me but now i just brush it off.

I'm just waiting for more think to affect me. BRING IT ON. Push me

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